

Softonic review

Ticket Assister for TeamDynamix

Ticket Assister for TeamDynamix is a Chrome add-on developed by Alponam. It is a free program designed to optimize your workflow with TDX tickets, helping you handle them more efficiently.

With Ticket Assister, you can set defaults, fill out forms, and consolidate information, reducing your cognitive load and allowing you to focus on getting work done accurately and efficiently.

This add-on comes with several useful features. It automatically fills out defaults when creating a new ticket, saving you time and effort. It also provides keyboard shortcuts to quickly submit a form and open the edit, update, and reassign menus.

Additionally, Ticket Assister improves the layout of the ticket by hiding unnecessary information with a toggle to show all. It also highlights data in Cerebro that could be causing a client's issue, helping you troubleshoot more effectively.

For those who prefer a darker interface, Ticket Assister also adds an option for Dark Mode.

Please note that this tool is specifically intended for users in UIUC-TechServices-Help Desk within U of I - Main. Some features may not work or be beneficial for users outside of this group.

Overall, Ticket Assister for TeamDynamix is a valuable add-on for Chrome users who frequently work with TDX tickets. It streamlines the ticket handling process and enhances productivity.

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